Local Missions

First Presbyterian Church is highly responsive to opportunities that allow us to share God’s grace in communion with others. This includes volunteering in a wide variety of local missions, participating in work projects around the country, and traveling on international mission trips to support Presbyterian-related churches in Hungary, Peru, Malawi and Nepal.

Service Opportunities

Common Ground

Common Ground Community Building is an ecumenical ministry supported by Jefferson City’s First United Methodist, Grace Episcopal, Central United Church of Christ, First Baptist Church and First Presbyterian Church. The program uses a rehabilitated building at the corner of Clark Ave. and Atchison St. to host after-school mentors, community meetings, sewing and computer classes, Fair Trade Store, benevolence office, HALO and other ministries.

On Friday mornings, Presbyterian volunteers help answer the phones, provide information, greet visitors and clients and sell Fair Trade and Mission items.

Hands for Mission

“Hands for Mission” is a sewing group that works on various projects, including “Prayer Shawls” for members and friends of our congregation. This group also makes baby blankets, school bags, denim quilts and baby gowns—and other projects as needed. If you knit, crochet or sew or would be willing to learn, this group can use your talents. Contact Jane Bedsworth and Vicki Schildmeyer for information.

Kenneth R. Locke Apartments Ministry

The Kenneth R. Locke Apartments (formerly Westminster Heritage) were built by our congregation in the mid-1980s and continue to be a lively center for retired persons and other qualified residents. Our congregation provides lunch two Saturdays each month, leads Wednesday afternoon Vesper Services, and provides other services for the residents. If you enjoy sharing your gifts of conversation and time, this is the ministry for you!

Kits for Kids

Organized by the Presbyterian Women, the congregation contributes items for Church World Service health kits, layettes and school kits. Our kits join thousands more that are distributed each year to help children, women and men around the world who are victims of natural disasters, refugees, or facing famine and other severe hardship. It’s a great opportunity to contribute to relief work and mission.

Living Windows

Our congregation participates in the Downtown Jefferson City Living Windows with a live nativity (complete with animals) outside. Inside we share a display of nativity scenes/crèches, hot cider and fresh baked cookies, music and booth of Fair Trade items.

Mentoring School Children

Many of our members share the gift of themselves one hour each week to mentor an elementary, mid-high or high school student during the school year. This involves meeting the student at the school and helping them with school work or just talking and playing games with them. Additional mentors are always needed. especially at our partner school, South Elementary. It’s a great opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child!

Mission JC

This ecumenical service project joins our congregation with other area churches each spring on a Sunday morning of mission in Jefferson City. The group gathers for worship and prayer before going out to share our faith through deeds. Plenty of mission and service projects are available for folks of all ages – you may sign up for a specific project online at www.missionjc.org.

Samaritan Center

Each Christmas our congregation adopts needy families through the Samaritan Center. Members adopt a family in partnership with one of our youth groups or the deacons.  Or, they can select a specific gift from the “Star” Christmas tree to purchase and wrap for the family. Information about how to participate in this seasonal gift-giving opportunity is announced at church services and in the monthly newsletter.

Social Justice Ministry

This team of FPC members is actively involved in fulfilling Christ call to work for justice in our community and beyond through groups like Citizens for JeffTran and Faith Voices for Jefferson City.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are trained lay people who provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and the community who are experiencing a difficult time in their lives. If you are interested in becoming part of this compassionate ministry, contact Jodi Hardman or Jim Crabtree.


Food 4 Kids

This is an ecumenical summer program that provides sack lunches and school supplies for children in low income areas of Jefferson City. The program, which began in 2004, provides an opportunity for our members to work with members of other downtown churches and local businesses to prepare and deliver the meals to designated sites. Contact Shelly Swoyer, Anne Schneider or Sharon Jarodsky for ways you can get involved.

Food Pantry

In addition to supporting community food drives, First Presbyterian Church maintains its own Food Pantry to provide non perishable food items for families in need. We give away 20 to 30 bags of groceries per week. In addition, donations from church members help provide assistance with utility or rent to avoid disconnection or eviction. All those receiving assistance also receive counseling and prayer. You can help by bringing non-perishable food items for our Food Pantry on the first Sunday of each month or donating money to this mission.

Salvation Army Meals

Our Salvation Army ministry involves the preparing and serving of meals at the Shelter of Hope for the residents of the shelter and others in our community. Currently children, youth and adults from our congregation serve meals six nights per month and additional volunteers are always welcome to participate.

Sunday Evening Worship Meals

Each Sunday after the 5 p.m. service, the congregation and members of the community gather for a shared meal and fellowship. This ministry is an extension of our worship service and our Salvation Army ministry. If you love to feed God’s sheep, you’ll love this multifaceted experience.


Chime Choir

The Chime Choir plays special music at worship throughout the year. The group size varies from six to 11 chimers and practices are coordinated as needed. If you can keep a beat, you can chime!  If you’d like to play, contact Sue Nichols.


The voices of the choir add to the worship service each Sunday during the 9:30 a.m. service (regular schedule). Practice is held at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays August to May and new members are always welcome! Contact Natasia Sexton for more information.

Praise Team

Our Sunday Night Alive praise team leads the music at our contemporary service. It’s a fun, upbeat group that can use the talents of anyone who likes to sing or play an instrument. The group practices at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday nights before worship.