Fellowship is an important aspect of any family and so it is with us. We have frequent congregational lunches and dinners. There are volleyball teams, groups who attend plays, adult fellowship meals, older adult fellowship groups, and many more activities for all ages. Find one that enriches your faith!

Loaves & Fishes Groups

FPC has a long tradition of “Loaves & Fishes” groups. We currently have two active groups. These groups are made up of church members who usually gather once a month for food and fellowship. Most meet regularly in the home of a member while others change location from month to month.

Loaves & Fishes Groups are open to new folks joining and we are always open to beginning a new group. If you would like to join an existing group, contact the group facilitator. If you would like to start a new group, contact Carla Ahrens.

Presbyterian Women


The Presbyterian Women (PW) meets at noon on the first Wednesday of each month (Sept. to April). The group has a tradition of active mission, faithful service, and lively study. PW provides a wide variety of activities for all women to serve the congregation, the community, our presbytery, and the larger church.

Activities include:

  • Annual Women’s Mini-Retreat
  • Advent Vespers fellowship reception
  • Assembly of Church World Service hygiene, school, and baby kits during the annual “Kits for Kids” event
  • Celebrate the Gifts of Women on Sunday
  • Bible study 10:30 a.m. (first Wednesdays, Sept. to April)
  • Monthly noon luncheons and programs (first Wednesdays, Sept. to April)
  • Support of the PW national Thank Offering, Birthday Offering, and other national and international PCUSA missions
  • Collection of labels from Campbell’s Soup, Best Choice, and Box Tops for Education
  • Kaffee Klatsch fellowship, which meets at a local coffee shop each month

Presbyterian Women (PW) Circles

PW Circles offers monthly (September to May) opportunities for Bible study and fellowship:

  • Monthly Bible Study meets at 10:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday of the month in the McAfee Room (map)
  • Afternoon Circle meets at 12:45 p.m. on the second Thursday monthly in the church parlor (map).

PW Circles gather to visit, pray, share joys and sorrows, and study God’s word. For some, Circle offers a time to relax and be among friends who care for you unconditionally. For some, Circle offers the discipline of studying the Bible. For some, Circle offers a connection to the service work of the church through the broader mission efforts of Presbyterian Women and the PC(USA). A PW Circle is waiting for you!  Contact Brenda Waters for more information.

Presbyterian Women (PW) also hold regular Bible studies. See details.

Learn more about Presbyterian Women.

Retired Adults Fellowship (RAF)

This fellowship is for all retired (or semi-retired) adults. The group gathers on the third Thursday of each month for fellowship, food, and fun. (See calendar for schedule.) Activities range from sightseeing trips to experiencing the plays, restaurants, and museums of Mid-Missouri. If you’re interested in learning more about RAF, contact the church office at 573-636-2149.