Elementary Youth

Sunday School

Sunday School is offered from 9:00-9:20 a.m. in the Presbyterian Youth Fellowship room, which is located on the second floor, closest to the children’s library. In Sunday School we learn through play and talk a little about the Children’s Sermon, which is part of the regular service at 9:30 a.m. At 9:25 a.m. the children in Sunday School are walked down to the sanctuary to be reunited with their family.

Presbyterian Children's Fellowship

Presbyterian Youth Fellowship is on Wednesday’s starting at 5:30 and going until 6:45 p.m. At the beginning of this fellowship time we meet in the gym and have large-motor play with various sized balls, make up games with other children and expend energy in preparation for having our meal and Bible story time. Once we’ve cleaned up from gym time, we head to Knox Hall for sandwiches and chips. After our prayer, we begin eating, talk about our school day and finish our time together with a Bible story.

March PCF Newsletter

Our Wednesday lessons for March will center around Lenten Vesper services and the season of Easter.

PCF will start in the gym at 5:30, please drop your child off at the McCarty Street door. At 6:00, we will join the Lenten Vesper service, then at 6:30 we will have dinner at Knox Hall. Our children will collect coins and add them to our One Great Hour of Sharing offertory on Sundays.

Our congregation has a long-standing history of mission work in other countries and here in Jefferson City. We will welcome mission volunteers from our congregation to give the children’s sermon during Lent. Stay tuned to learn about our outreach!

We are starting a PRAYER CHAIN and will have long strips of paper available for visitors, children, adults … anyone to write one or more words of a prayer. Then, the strip of paper can be added to our chain as a link, using a stapler.

PCF activities for March, please come and join in the fun!
No Sunday School on March 23rd and 30th, due to Spring Break.
No PCF Group meeting on Wednesday, March 26th due to spring break.

Vacation Bible School

Our congregation comes together for an exciting week of Vacation Bible School for Pre-K through 5th grade each summer! We have VBS stations led by qualified adults that have a love for Jesus in their heart and want to share it with our children. Our theme is dynamic and adapted to each age level, so children are able to learn about God and His word in age appropriate ways. Stay tuned for announcements of the theme and registration.