Adult Contemporary Issues
This class meets at 8:30 a.m. during the school year in the Parlor. Discussion focuses on the current events of the day drawn from the newspaper or social media. The class reads the relevant article, explores the faith implications, and shares insights and observations from a Christian and faith perspective. There is no homework and plenty of lively discussions.
Calvin Class
During our weekly time together, each person can safely share personal concerns, hopes, questions, and even doubts. Over the years, we’ve found encouragement, friendship, and prayer support for our daily lives as we journey together – as part of the Body of Christ at First Presbyterian. Join us for a lively discussion centered on the Bible – with plenty of laughter, some common sense, and usually a hymn, along with an abundance of kindness!
A typical format is to start by reading a short scripture passage from The Present Word, a PCUSA adult curriculum, and conclude with a unison prayer. In between, our discussion takes us through a wide range of topics – those raised by class participants – and includes our responses to writings by different Reformed Bible scholars. A recurring theme is: How can each of us grow in our faith and commitment as Christian disciples?
It’s worthwhile to come each week, but the written curriculum makes it easy to pick up whenever you can attend. Together we seek to become fellow disciples, united in our diversity (various ages, races, genders & cultural/language backgrounds) for ministry & mission through First Presbyterian Church, Jefferson City.
The Calvin Bible class meets each Sunday to share discussion and prayer around Scripture. We desire to be a caring & mutually supportive fellowship. Come and see for yourself: We’re an inclusive class with participants of all ages, stages, genders, and levels of Bible knowledge.
The class gathers each Sunday at 11:00 am in the McAfee Room on the main floor of the church building – through the Chapel, beyond the Sanctuary. The study is led by Mary Clark, Tom Holt, and Vicki Schildmeyer.