First Presbyterian Church is highly responsive to opportunities that allow us to share God’s grace in communion with others. This includes volunteering in a wide variety of local missions, and participating in work projects around the country.
Salvation Army
Our Salvation Army ministry involves the preparing and serving of meals at the Shelter of Hope for the residents of the shelter and others in our community. Currently children, youth and adults from our congregation serve meals six nights per month and additional volunteers are always welcome to participate.

Samaritan Center
Our church supports the Samaritan Center financially and with service. We participate in food drives, attend fund-raising events and adopt families at Christmas. Members adopt a family in partnership with one of our youth groups or the deacons. Or, they can select a specific gift from the “Star” Christmas tree to purchase and wrap for the family.
Common Ground
Common Ground Community Building is an ecumenical ministry supported by Jefferson City’s First United Methodist, Grace Episcopal, Central United Church of Christ, First Baptist Church and First Presbyterian Church. The program uses a rehabilitated building at the corner of Clark Ave. and Atchison St. to host after-school mentors, community meetings, sewing and computer classes, Fair Trade Store, benevolence office, HALO and other ministries.
River City Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry whose mission is to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities and hope. We have been involved with this non- profit organization since it began in 1992. You can help by working on the construction jobsites, working in the Restore, picking up aluminum cans from designated bins, helping with special events and fundraising, or helping in the office.
Transformational Housing
Transformational Housing (TH) is a Christian ecumenical non-profit organization seeking to provide quality, affordable rental housing in Jefferson City. Their aim is not just to provide quality rental housing, but to foster relationships of encouragement and accountability which lead to life change. Volunteers are always needed for coaches for the families, committees ranging from family support to fund-raising, and construction.
Jeff City Room at the Inn
Jefferson City Room at the Inn, JCRATI, is an emergency, overnight, low-barrier, homeless shelter operating during winter months. Many from our congregation have volunteered at the JCRATI. Volunteers have worked at the shelter during each of the three shifts and some have provided dinner and breakfast meals to the guests. Others have provided transportation to and from the shelter using our van.
Project Homeless Connect
Jefferson City Project Homeless Connect (PHC) is a one-day event meant to help those persons who are homeless or near-homeless overcome as many barriers to permanent housing as possible. Through the help of local social service agencies, local churches, local businesses, and many volunteers this event is possible. The mission of PHC is to connect those in Jefferson City experiencing homelessness with the care they need to move forward.
The Healing House and New Beginnings
The Healing House and New Beginnings program is a Christian recovery ministry designed to help women recover from substance use disorders; grow in their faith in Christ and in their responsibility to the community. Our congregation has supported this ministry since its inception in 2015. The vision is to equip and empower women who have experienced extraordinary life struggles to make an effectual change in their lives, families and communities through the application of spiritual principles rooted in God’s unconditional love and grace.
Food 4 Kids
Jefferson City Project Homeless Connect (PHC) is a one-day event meant to help those persons who are homeless or near-homeless overcome as many barriers to permanent housing as possible. Through the help of local social service agencies, local churches, local businesses, and many volunteers this event is possible. The mission of PHC is to connect those in Jefferson City experiencing homelessness with the care they need to move forward.
Mission JC: In the City, for the City,
A Morning of Service
First Presbyterian joined Mission JC in 2014. Each year on the last Sunday in April, members of various churches (led by First Baptist) take their faith outside the church and into the community. Projects range from yard work at various nonprofits to sewing quilt blocks to making meals for the Salvation Army to cleaning inside the Special Learning Center and other public-school buildings to making care packages for emergency personnel and the list goes on.
Families from Afghanistan
Jefferson City Project Homeless Connect (PHC) is a one-day event meant to help those persons who are homeless or near-homeless overcome as many barriers to permanent housing as possible. Through the help of local social service agencies, local churches, local businesses, and many volunteers this event is possible. The mission of PHC is to connect those in Jefferson City experiencing homelessness with the care they need to move forward.
Presbyterian Women
The work of Presbyterian Women (PW) at First Presbyterian Church in Jefferson City continues to be three-fold: Bible study, mission and fellowship. Our mission emphasis is on those organizations that serve the girls and women of our community: the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center and Halo House.We have learned from the leaders of these organizations that paper products – toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex- are always needed, and we try to do two or three collections of these necessities each year.
Presbyterian Preschool
The Presbyterian Preschool began in the fall of 1982 and has served over 2000 children to date, giving them a quality preschool experience based on sharing God’s love for them and the world. There are 5 classes: the Challenge class is for pre- kindergarteners; the young 4-year-old class; the 3s; and two groups of 2s.
Sunday Night Live @ 5
SNL@5 is a casual worship service followed by a shared family-style meal. Attendees actively engage in the worship service and all Scripture, liturgy, and music are projected on screens. Music is a blend of praise songs and traditional hymns. Prayers and announcements are intentionally inclusive. This worship and shared meal meet a real need in Jefferson City for spiritual support and fellowship in an accepting, non-judgmental environment.
Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is open from 1:00-3:00 every Tuesday offering non-perishable food as well as extra donations such as socks, toothpaste, and other items. You can help by bringing non-perishable food items for our Food Pantry on the first Sunday of each month or donating money to this mission. There is also a coat rack on the front porch which is available to anyone at any time of the day or night. Coats and other warm items along with seasonal clothing can be donated and are placed on the rack.
Ken Locke Apartments
FPC has a twenty plus year history of providing lunch at Ken Locke Apartments. Meals are provided twice monthly, on the second and fourth Saturdays, at 11:30am, in the Community Room, which FPC built many years ago. The food you provide can be in the form of a sit-down meal or to-go boxes/bags, which the residents can take. The Deacons are in charge of organizing this mission, but you need not be a Deacon to be a participant. Ask the Deacon Moderator to put you on the Volunteer list.
Social Justice Team
FPC has a twenty plus year history of providing lunch at Ken Locke Apartments. Meals are provided twice monthly, on the second and fourth Saturdays, at 11:30am, in the Community Room, which FPC built many years ago. The food you provide can be in the form of a sit-down meal or to-go boxes/bags, which the residents can take. The Deacons are in charge of organizing this mission, but you need not be a Deacon to be a participant. Ask the Deacon Moderator to put you on the Volunteer list.
Pencils and Stars
First Presbyterian Church helps neighbors each year by providing school supplies and Christmas gifts to local families. A pencil, showing a school supply, or a Star, stating a toy or clothing item, is posted in Knox Hall showing a need. Congregation members select a pencil or star, purchase the item, and return it to the church. At Christmas time families also receive food gift cards. The gifts are then sorted and delivered to the families.
... And Finally
What can YOU do to be a missionary— Christ’s hands and feet—in the world?
- Bring food for the Food Pantry
- Help with the Room at the Inn by driving (if needed), providing meals or spending part of the night
- Help with housing in construction or with resources
- Select “stars” for Christmas gifts for a family in need
- Pray for our missions and for people all over the world who have such great needs
- Support the mission work of the church and other groups that you trust
- Listen for the voice, or even nudges, from God to lead us into a new mission area