Sunday Morning
9:30 AM
Sunday morning is a meaningful worship experience at First Presbyterian Church. The service follows a Presbyterian worship order and provides inspired opportunities for the congregation through prayer, music, Bible readings, and messages.
During our regular schedule, our choir leads the music. During the summer, special music feeds our faith.
Following the service, please join us for cookies, coffee, and fellowship in Knox Hall. It’s a great opportunity to meet all the wonderful people at First Presbyterian.
Sunday Evening
Every Sunday evening, we gather in Knox Hall to celebrate “Service and Supper” for our community neighbors and anyone else who would like to become a part of this worshiping community.
The short service includes hymns, prayers, Bible-reading and a brief sermon. The first Sunday of each month includes the Celebration of Communion.
The meal is served around tables in the same room, with an abundance of food and leftovers to carry home.
It is a very welcoming group. Come as you are. Meet new folks. They will soon be your friends.

Children and Worship
Our church family welcomes children in worship and supports their learning in a variety of ways.
There are color and activity sheets provided each week at three levels (preschool, early elementary, and older elementary). These sheets follow the Scripture lessons or relate to specific seasons of the church. The sheets are in a basket with crayons and colored pencils, located at the entrance to the Sanctuary from Knox Hall.
The “Time for Children” is another way that children can participate in worship. Early in the service, children are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary to share in a lesson that focuses on one of the Scriptures of the day or a seasonal topic (for example: What is Lent?).
We love having children remain in worship after the Children’s Time. They soak in the music, the words, the symbols, the feelings, and the true Spirit of the place. We don’t care that they act like children, because they are! We accept them, mentor them, cuddle them, and help them learn to be a part of the church family. But feel free to take your children to the Comfort Room anytime during the service. It’s located just outside the main doors to the Sanctuary, and has books, toys, games, and a bathroom. It is staffed by a church member, Mya Andrews. She will be glad to look after your child until worship is over. Or you are welcome to stay there with your child or return to worship at any time. We are not bothered by parents and children coming and going. We want you to do what is best for your child.
Celebrating Communion
Presbyterians practice “open” communion, meaning that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is welcome to share in communion.
Communion is served at the Sunday morning and evening worship services on the first Sunday of each Month.
At the morning service communion is typically celebrated by passing the bread and juice through the pews.
The communion bread is gluten-free and the juice is alcohol-free so all might partake. That’s our tradition: One Bread, One Cup uniting us as the One Body of Christ. In communion, we find our unity with God and one another. When someone joins us for communion online, the suggestion given is that in preparation, the home participant should use whatever bread and juice is available in their house at the time.
Who is welcome to participate in communion?
The opportunity to eat and drink with Christ is not a right bestowed upon the worthy, but a privilege given to all who come in faith and love. All are offered the bread and cup, regardless of their age or understanding. If you have not yet been baptized, the invitation to baptism is graciously extended. The Pastor will be glad to meet with you at any time to discuss and make arrangements for baptism.
Families are to help their children understand what takes place in communion, and the parents determine when a child is ready to participate. Some parents think children learn best by participating early, then growing in understanding. Others wait until an older age when they can understand more. The church supports the parents in their decision-making.
2024 Communion Dates:
- December 1 (the first Sunday of December and beginning of Advent at both morning and evening services)
- December 4 (Wednesday Advent Vesper Service in Knox Hall at 5:30 pm)
- December 11 (Wednesday Advent Vesper Service in Knox Hall at 5:30 pm)
- December 18 (Wednesday Advent Vesper Service in Knox Hall at 5:30 pm)
- December 24 (Christmas Eve service at 7:00 pm)
Seasonal Services
At First Presbyterian, we make Advent and Lent special times for our congregation. We have special services during the week, focused small group discussions and other activities appropriate for the time of year. As we get close to Advent or Lent, we will add information about all that is happening for the special time of year.