Lent 2025
Ash Wednesday
March 5 at 6:00 PM in the Chapel
Vespers every Wednesday at 6:00 PM in the Chapel
March 12
March 19
March 26
April 2
April 9
Maundy Thursday
April 17 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary (Service of Darkness)
April 20 Sunrise Service at 6:30 AM in Governor’s Garden (bring a chair)
April 20 Morning Service at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary (breakfast served between the two services)
Lenten Book Study
Sundays: at the Hoffmann’s at 6:30 PM
Tuesdays: at church at 10:00 AM
Lenten Devotional Books
Each year a new book of lent devotionals is written by members of the church to help focus on learning and praying together during the whole season of Lent. The booklet will be available Ash Wednesday. Individual daily devotions will also be sent by email during Lent.
One Great Hour of Sharing offering to be taken during Lent
(FISH are available to use to collect money.)
Children will be collecting quarters to add to the offering as they learn about how the OGHS helps people all over the world.
Open Church for Lent – a Place of Peace in the Community
All are invited to come to church between noon and 1:30 PM weekdays to have a place of prayer and peace in the sanctuary. Lunches may be brought and eaten in Knox Hall before or after time in the sanctuary.