First Presbyterian Church is highly responsive to opportunities that allow us to share God’s grace in communion with others. This includes volunteering in a wide variety of local missions, and participating in work projects around the community.

Food Pantry
The FPC Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Please bring a photo ID with you. Â
The Food Pantry provides groceries and snack packs for many of our community neighbors.
Salvation Army Meals
Our Salvation Army ministry involves the preparing and serving of meals at the Shelter of Hope for the residents of the shelter and others in our community. Currently children, youth and adults from our congregation serve meals six nights per month.

Food 4 Kids
This is an ecumenical summer program that provides sack lunches and school supplies for children in low income areas of Jefferson City. The program, which began in 2004, provides an opportunity for our members to work with members of other downtown churches and local businesses to prepare and deliver the meals to designated sites.Â
Sunday Evening Worship Meals
Each Sunday after the 5 p.m. service, the congregation and members of the community gather for a shared meal and fellowship. This ministry is an extension of our worship service and our Salvation Army ministry. If you love to feed God’s sheep, you’ll love this multifaceted experience.